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Senior Year is a Go! - August 2, 2022

 Hi, Homeschool Friends! It's been a while since I last posted and to be honest, things have been pretty peaceful around our house, though busy. I forgot to post in July because I was hyper-focused on my Camp Nano project. School even snuck up on me this year. are things going with your homeschool crew? Here's what's been happening with ours...

First Day of Senior Year was Yesterday! 

So, yes, I'm working on putting together the new subject matter and trying to get a good schedule set up for Ro's senior year. 


Ro's always been interested in rocks, so we're tackling an introduction to geology for science this year. When she told me she wanted to study geology, I thought for sure we'd have to do that through literature without a course curriculum but then this showed up in my web search.

An Introduction to Geology (Free Textbook for College-Level Introductory Geology Courses) put out through Salt Lake Community College is a God-send, truly a blessing. It's going to make my teaching life so much easier and I can't wait to see how we progress through the study. 

Since we are Christians and we do believe in a young earth, and in the six-day creation of the earth by the Omnipotent God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we're also be using some resources from Kent Hoven's website, as well as possibly visiting his park in Alabama - Dinosaur Adventure Land


We're also finishing up geometry and moving into financial math with a heavy emphasis on personal finance, since that is what she'll be dealing with the most when she moves on in life. I have quite a few resources for this topic, and may throw in some economics lessons, as well, since I have a few in my stash of homeschool downloads. 

Literature and Language Arts

I'm not certain about literature this year, but we may tackle a few things like The Confessions of St. Augustine, a few of my books from my teenage years which I think she'd enjoy, and maybe Persuasion, since that's her favorite Jane Austen movie and she's never read the book. I have a couple of biographies on hand that might interest her, too. 

Since this isn't a subject which really clicks for her, I'm going to let her lead as much as possible and then teach from there. We'll keep using the PACE workbooks, too, since these will be helping her with the technical parts of language arts.


As I said before, we'll probably tackle some economics, and while I understand that's a part of social studies/human interaction, I really feel like it should be tackled as a math since it deals with monetary gain and loss. 

As a history course, it would be interesting to show her how the different types of societies succeed or fail based on how the government is run in those countries. For example, we may look at the differences between totalitarian, communist, socialist, and capitalist governments and see which one actually benefits people the most. and why. 

Having said that, I may let her choose the topics she's most interested in learning about, or we may continue on with the PACE workbooks. A lot will depend on how easy it will be to pay for new curriculum, as opposed to supplementing the old with any new information available online. 

And PE/Health

For physical education this year, Ro wanted to play softball with our church team. They play in a city league, so that works for interacting with people from all walks of life. I've got a few pictures from practice I'll share with you. 

I think it's most cool, though, because everyone in our family can play. I won't, though. That'd be a terrible thing since I'm so badly out of shape, I'd quickly become a liability. I will be cheering from the dugout, though, and handing out water bottles to those in need. 

This has been a great way for John and Noah to get back into shape, too. John's really enjoying the game, but I think Noah just enjoys the general comradery. Ro enjoys hanging with her friends and she's catching on quickly. I can't wait to see what they'll accomplish this year. 

Ro at Bat

Noah Pitching

John at Bat

I'm so glad you stopped by today and took some of your valuable time to read about what we've been up to. I'll do my best to post monthly again, since the school year has started. I'm so eager to see what new things we'll learn this year. Please keep us in your prayers. Thanks!


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